Where the Magic Begins…

Puppy Culture and Poop School

In February 2018, we incorporated Puppy Culture and Poop School into our program with focus to set each pup up for success by providing them with an enriched environment to develop a more confident and easily trainable pup/dog.  We believe that these programs have significantly helped to shape our pups future by laying the foundation to build on once the pups go to their new families.. 


Here at Hilltop Acres we are excited to be able to help you not only to acquire a new pup but to be able to help you once your pup comes home.  House training, potty training, behavioral issues OH MY!!!  It can be a overwhelming experience for both the experienced and new puppy families.  Thankfully we do have the power of technology and the internet to at least halfway fumble through the dreadful stages of puppyhood. 

Here our pups receive: 

  • Prenatal Stimulation
  • Early Neurolgical Stimulation (ENS)
  • Safe Early Socialization and Enrichment
  • Developmental and Fearless Imprinting
  • Potty Training Fundamentals
  • Crate Training Fundamentals

YES!!  This magic begins before the pups are even born.  With prenatal stimulation, the pups learn our touch while in utero.  They can’t hear or see but they can feel.  This preconditions the pups to become comfortable with our touch.

Pups are basically helpless the first few weeks of their lives.  They depend solely on their mom.   They can’t see or hear but they can feel.   Once the pups are born we begin a series of neurological stimulation exercises (ENS) that help them to be more adaptable to stressful situations later in life.  This also continues their adaptation of being touched and handled.   These exercise’s help the pups neuroglial system to develop faster, have a greater tolerance to stress, develop a stronger heart with a stronger heartbeat, have a stronger adrenal system and learn that being handled is a pleasant experience.  This is also a major key factor to socialization. 

For many years puppies have been raised using various techniques.  Here at Hilltop Acres we have discovered that with using the guidance of the Puppy Culture program, we have learned to communicate with the pups and if we listen to their cues then the training process goes a lot smoother and is more enjoyable. 


No, not the yowling and crying out when things don’t go their way.  The actual communication through behavioral cues.

 Their behavioral cues is their “VOICE”.   Puppies begin to communicate with each other between 14-21 days.  They also start becoming a part of our world.  Their initial interactions with us are mostly puppy growls, mouthing and barks but quickly they begin to communicate with us through behavioral cues.  Such as direct eye contact, a certain movement, behavior or activity.

For example:  when a puppy is playing then suddenly stops, moves away from the area some and starts sniffing the floor.  That’s their cue that they need to potty.  That is their Voice!!!  Its really that simple. 

Once we learn their cues its like magic!!  The puppies excel in their developmental and housetraining skills, they become a integrated part of the family faster and there is less stress/frustration in the air for both the puppy and us!! 

There are many more of these “cues” that we can learn and know how to communicate with our pups.  Understanding this voice and learning a pups behavioral cues is (in our opinion) a must to be able to keep your sanity during the puppy phases.  Frustration and hopelessness can build quickly if your not able to communicate with your pup and understand their needs.  We highly recommend puppy families to purchase the Puppy Culture DVD, The Powerful First 12 weeks, BEFORE purchasing a pup or brining your newly reserved pup home.  Its an amazing program that helps you understand how your pup has been raised and how to communicate with your pup. 

Puppy Culture represents a gold standard in puppy rearing and early socialization.  Puppy Culture is a program used by Breeders and Puppy owners, all over the world to improve the lives of their puppies and to limit behavioral issues by helping puppies to cope with and move past things that would otherwise cause issues as adults.

Puppy Culture is a valuable resource for caring and ethical breeders, along with new and old puppy owners, rescues, and is a fantastic add-on to attending a good puppy preschool.  By using Puppy Culture breeders can improve the lives of their puppies with just a few minutes each day.  Puppies have less issues, more brain development, more bonding, more balance and the ability to adjust better to their new journeys ahead.  In result, you will take home a puppy who is confident, outgoing and will adjust quickly to new situations. 

Finding the best way to house train a puppy can be just as daunting as actually house training your puppy!  House training is the first task we are faced with when we bring a new puppy home, while internet advice abounds, it’s hard to know which advice is trustworthy and will help us quickly and efficiently house train our puppy, and which is risky and may actually be the cause of long term house soiling habits that are hard to fix.

Clickety Split, as professional dog trainers and breeders has developed and perfected house training plans for a wide variety of puppies and their owners.   They can provide you with the skills, techniques, and practical advice to quickly house train your puppy, while preventing undesirable habits.

We have incorporated Poop School into our program and have the foundation for clean potty habits instilled into our pups while they are here with us.  We highly recommend new families and awaiting families to enroll in the course.  The course is located online and on the FACEBOOK platform.  There is a fee for their services.  I promise YOU WILL NOT REGRET IT!!!

Most pups are ready to venture on their new journeys at 8 weeks old but their training/conditioning needs not to end here.  We highly recommend  to follow through with the Puppy Culture program and to purchase the Puppy Culture video before your pup arrives.  This will give you a clear view of how your pup is being raised, help you understand your pups needs and how you can continue his/her training. 
We also recommend watching the invaluable FREE recorded video from MadCap University, joining the Puppy Culture Discussion group on Facebook and joining Poop School located on the Facebook platform. 
Here are the links to the programs mentioned above for your convenience:
Puppy Culture:

Madcap University

Poop School:


Please Note:  Our pups are not “TRAINED”.  We have only laid a foundation for YOU to build on once the pup comes home.  They have learned to communicate with us and have been conditioned to potty training, crate training, leash walking and proper pup/human behavioral interactions.  It is up to you to continue the pups conditioning to become a trained individual.