Bill Of Sale/Sales Contract For Dog/Puppy
(Buyers Copy)

This Agreement made by and between:


Name:          _____________________________________
Address:      _____________________________________

Phone #:      _____________________________________
Email:           _____________________________________

– AND –

Name:           Janice Burns
Address:       228 Bell Branch RD
Crossett, AR 71635
Phone #:      1-870-737-3328

Dog/Puppy Information:

Name of dog/puppy:    _____________________________________
Date of Birth:                 _____________________________________
Breed:                             _____________________________________
Color:                              _____________________________________
Pattern:                          _____________________________________
Gender:                          _____________________________________
Sire Name:                     _____________________________________
Dam Name:                   _____________________________________
Microchip #:                  _____________________________________
Registration:                  _____________________________________
Litter Registration #:    _____________________________________

Total Sum of dog/pup:   ______________________________
Transport Fees:               ______________________________

I, Janice Burns (the “Seller”), hereby sell, transfer and convey all rights, title and interest in the above described dog/puppy to___________________ (the “Buyer”) for and in consideration of the total sum of US dollars under the following terms and conditions:

Terms of Sale

 The seller guarantees the above puppy to the initial buyer only as shown on this document. Guarantees are non-transferable. If puppy’s possession or ownership changes, at any time, this contract and all guarantees become null and void. Releasing the “Seller” of any further obligations of any kind toward above stated puppy.

 Buyer Understands that the puppy will come with the following:

 Registration Certificate.
• American Kennel Club (AKC) – Purebred Miniature Pinschers
• American Harlequin Miniature Pinscher Club (AHMPC) – Harlequin Pinschers and Min Pins out of Harlequin litters.
The above dog/pup is being granted:
___ FULL registration rights.
___ LIMITED registration rights.
___ NO registration rights.
** If full or limited registration rights are granted by Seller, Buyer must fill out the certificate and return it to the appropriate registry with the appropriate fees for the puppy to be registered in his or her name and to receive the puppy’s pedigree certificate. Seller is not responsible for lost registration certificates. THERE IS A $30 FEE TO REPLACE A LOST REGISTRATION CERTIFICATE.

 Veterinarian Certificate of Health.

 All Vet and breeder records to date of transfer. Including health, vaccination and deworming records.

 Microchip information. Buyer must register chip with the microchip provider by phone or website for the puppy’s microchip to be registered in his or her name.

 30 Day GO HOME OFFER of pet insurance with Trupanion. Buyer must activate within 24 hrs of receiving puppy.

 Puppy care pack. Includes a quart ziplock bag of food that the puppy was weaned on, treats and toys appropriate for puppy’s age, collar, leash, information folder.

**Seller may elect to exclude or add items in care package at Seller’s discretion. Buyer understands that all other items needed for puppy, will be acquired by Buyer at Buyer’s expense.


General Health Guarantee

This general health guarantee covers only the puppy described on page one of this document. To activate the guarantee, the buyer must activate the Trupanion 1st month free offer given in the puppy pack and send the Seller proof that the puppy has been examined by a licensed Veterinarian within 10 days of receipt (Not including Sundays or Holidays) or all warranties and guarantees listed in this contract will be voided, and Seller will no longer be under any legal or financial obligation arising from warranties and guarantees specified in this contract.

 Buyer may use any state licensed veterinarian that Buyer chooses to use. If the veterinarian finds the pup to be ill or unsuitable, seller must be notified within 24 hours of examination with the veterinarian’s complete contact information.

 The puppy above is guaranteed to be in good general health 10 days from the date buyer receives the puppy of any issues including parvo, distemper, coccidia, giardia and other internal parasites.

 The puppy above has received or will have received all appropriate core vaccinations and worming/parasite treatments for its age at departure from seller’s care. A vaccination and treatment report will be with the puppy’s documents when the buyer receives the puppy.

 Seller cannot be held accountable for certain conditions they cannot control once the puppy leaves their care. Seller does not guarantee against conditions brought on by stress or environmental changes. Including but not limited to hypoglycemia, diarrhea, STRESS induced alopecia, cold or heat related issues, physical or emotional stress.

If the seller’s veterinarian confirms with the buyers veterinarian that the puppy’s illness or unsuitability is direct fault of the seller:

1.) Internal Parasites

 Can be managed by medication and does not merit a puppies return to seller. The seller will pay the amount that the Trupanion pet insurance doesn’t cover for the puppy’s medication if the buyer has had the pup for 10 days or less. Buyer must send seller a photocopy of the veterinarian’s invoice. The seller is not responsible for veterinarian office exam, lab work or other test fees.

2.) Illness or unsuitability

 Choice #1: Puppy may be returned along with a written report on business letterhead from the veterinarian complete with full description of said illness or unsuitability to seller for a refund of puppy price or replacement puppy of equal value when one comes available. Report must also include all lab work results, radiology reports and dog/puppy’s complete description (including, name, color, weight and microchip number).


Refund Terms (Choice #1):

• Seller is not responsible for veterinarian office exam, test or medication fees not covered by pet insurance.
• Seller will pay half dog/puppy’s return travel fees.
• Refund (total puppy price) does not include initial transport charges (including any transfer fees, health certificate, crate and/or transport fees), puppy starter pack cost, and microchip cost of said puppy.
• Seller will remit refund within 30 days of said puppy or microchip being returned.

Replacement puppy Terms (Choice #1):

• Seller is not responsible for veterinarian office exam, test or medication fees not covered by pet insurance.
• Seller will pay half of dog/puppy’s return travel fees.
• A replacement puppy of equal value will be guaranteed within 1 year unless buyer selects a different pup of less/greater value.
• Seller will refund the fair amount if a lessor pup is selected by buyer.
• Buyer agrees to pay the difference if a pup of greater value is selected.
• Seller is not responsible for shipping charges or transport fees of replacement pup.

 Choice #2: Buyer may elect to keep the said puppy and seller pay the puppy’s veterinary fees and medication cost not covered by pet insurance up to and not exceeding half of the price of the puppy.

Payment Terms (Choice #2):
• Does not include any transport charges (including transfer fees, health certificate, crate and/or transport fees).
• Does not include cost of puppy starter pack or cost of microchip.
• Seller must receive itemized veterinary bill(s) with a business letterhead that includes full description of charges and Trupanion insurance payments. Puppy’s full description including microchip number, specific markings, coat color, and weight must also be included in the veterinarians report.

**Seller does reserve the right to request additional testing and/or acquire a second veterinary opinion of puppy’s illness or presumed unsuitability. Buyer agrees to have any additional testing or have pup examined by a second licensed veterinarian at sellers request and expense. All warranties/guarantees listed in this contract will be voided, and Seller will no longer be under any legal or financial obligation arising from warranties and guarantees specified in this contract if buyer refuses to acquire a second opinion at sellers requests.


Congenital/Hereditary/Genetic Guarantee

We do everything humanly possible to ensure our pups get off to the best start and have a healthy longevity. We guarantee that our pups are examined by a USDA-accredited Arkansas state licensed veterinarian and found to have no apparent issues or abnormalities before they are released from our care. We also guarantee that our adult dogs are examined as needed and/or annually by a USDA-accredited Arkansas state licensed veterinarian and found to have no apparent issues or abnormalities. We furthermore guarantee that our adult dogs are DNA genetic tested and not affected of any life threatening or non-life threatening genetic issues known to their breed.


 The above pup is guaranteed 100 % against congenital cardiac defects and liver shunt for the first year of his/her life.
 He/she is also 100 % guaranteed for life from any DNA testable, LIFE THREATENING genetic disorder. Including MPS VI, PLL, HUC, DM and Cystinuria.

 If a buyer’s licensed veterinarian finds the above puppy/dog to be affected by one of these life threatening disorders, we must be notified within 24 hours of diagnosis with veterinarian’s complete contact information.

 Seller will ONLY guarantee dog/pup as outlined in the illness or unsuitability section located under the General Health Guarantee in this document.



These conditions are usually not life threatening unless the pup is neglected of proper veterinarian intervention by buyer. They can be inherited and/or acquired due factors that we are unable to control and we CANNOT guarantee our puppies against 100 %. We can only guarantee that none of our current adult dogs or any of their predecessors that we are aware of have had any of the following issues:

 Color Dilute Alopecia (CDA) and Black Hair Follicular Dysplasia (BHFD) Though these conditions can be inherited, there are currently no genetic test that can be used to 100% accurately diagnose if a dog/puppy will develop these issues or not. The chances of a puppy developing CDA or BHFD is very slim but also the luck of the draw. The Miniature Pinscher and Harlequin Pinscher are single coated breeds and do naturally have thin and shorter coats. Especially in front of the ears, under the neck and abdominal areas. We guarantee that our adult dogs all have full coats and do not have or have never had any coat issues associated with these disorders.

 We can only guarantee that our pups will not have any extreme baldness (more than 50 %) for the first 6 months of their lives as this is the time frame that a issue will arise if its genetic.
 Seller will ONLY guarantee dog/pup as outlined in the illness or unsuitability section located under the General Health Guarantee in this document if the buyer agrees to the following:

 Have a licensed veterinarian confirm that dog/pup is parasite free. Including hookworm, roundworm, whipworm, tapeworm, heartworm, fleas, ticks and mites (microscopic testing).

 Eliminate certain ingredients from the dog/pups diet (including treats) for a minimum of 2 weeks to see if condition will improve. Including poultry (chicken, turkey, duck), peas, corn and wheat.

 Provide the dog/pup with a nutritional diet that includes a quality source of Omega 3 for a minimum of 2 weeks to see if condition will improve. Either by supplementation (with a skin/coat supplement, coconut oil or fish oil), switching kibble to a fish or lamb based or both.

 Bathe dog/pup at least 2-3 times a week with a coconut, oatmeal or other sensitive skin supporting base shampoo. Apply skin moisturizer such as coconut oil as needed for dry, flaky and itchy skin.

 Retained Teeth /Hyperdontia. There is no genetic test available to determine if a pup will inherit a dental issue or not. Therefore, we cannot 100 % guarantee that our pups will not develop a dental issue. All small breeds of dogs are prone to retained teeth and the issue is normally corrected with a simple vet visit.

 We can only 100 % guarantee that our pups will not have any extreme dental issues such as Hyperdontia for the first 6 months of their lives as this is the time frame that a issue will arise if its genetic.

 Seller will ONLY guarantee dog/pup if diagnosed by a licensed veterinarian as outlined in the illness or unsuitability section located under the General Health Guarantee in this document.

 Retained Testicles (cryptorchidism-Male) / Recessed Vulva (redundant vulva-Female) / Hermaphroditism / Pseudohermaphroditism. Though these conditions are considered hereditary, they are not life threatening unless the pup is neglected proper veterinarian intervention by buyer. Unless a pup is to be considered for a potential breeding prospect, we do not guarantee our pups against these issues. The chances of a puppy having one of these issues is rare but not impossible.

 Hip/Elbow Dysplasia. Though these conditions can be inherited, it is not life threatening and no genetic testing is available to determine if a pup will inherit these issues or not. Hip/Elbow Dysplasia can also be acquired especially in the smaller sized pups and dogs that are not properly supervised during play or exercise; therefore, we cannot guarantee our pups against them. We do guarantee that our pups extremities have been physically examined by a licensed veterinarian before they go to their new homes for any potential flexibility and joint issues. We also guarantee that our adult dogs have NO FLEXIBILITY OR JOINT ISSUES and are physically examined annually by a licensed veterinarian.


 Autoimmune Disorders. Autoimmune Disorders can include disorders of the skin, eyes, brain, kidneys, joints, bone marrow or blood. They can be inherited or acquired. Autoimmune disorders causes can include genetics, cancer, tick borne diseases, medication side effects and vaccine side effects. There are no genetic test available to diagnose if a pup will develop an autoimmune issue or not so we cannot guarantee a pup against autoimmune disorders. We do guarantee that our adult dogs do not have or never had any autoimmune disorders.

**If a pup receives more than the 3-4 puppy vaccine treatments (included breeder administered) recommended then Buyer agrees to release seller of all responsibilities and all warranties/guarantees listed in this contract will be voided, and Seller will no longer be under any legal or financial obligation arising from warranties and guarantees specified in this contract.

Leptospirosis Vaccine:
We DO NOT recommend that the Harlequin Pinscher or Miniature Pinscher puppies to receive the Leptospirosis (Lepto) vaccine BEFORE they reach 12 weeks of age. This vaccine has been known to cause severe allergic reactions in young pups. Including but not limited to: Facial swelling, difficulty breathing, hives, swelling at injection site and seizures. IF you do live in a high-risk area and elect to give your puppy the vaccine. Please have the vet to give after 12 weeks of age and on a different visit than the administration of their core vaccines to minimize potential of allergic reactions. We are not to be held responsible for advert reactions or complications suspected to have been caused by the Lepto vaccine.

Bordetella Vaccine (Kennel Cough):
We DO NOT recommend that a puppy receives the intranasal type of this vaccine. It has been known to cause severe autoimmune dysfunction in young pups and we are not to held responsible for advert reactions or complications suspected to have been caused by the intranasal type Bordetella vaccine.

 Epilepsy/Neurological issues. There are way to many factors to list that can cause Epilepsy/Neurological issues in pups/dogs. They can be inherited or acquired and sadly there is no genetic test available to diagnose if a pup will develop a issue or not. We cannot guarantee a pup against idiopathic seizures or any other neurological issue in which the cause is UNKNOWN. We do guarantee that our pups have had NO seizure like occurrences or neurological issues before they leave our care. We also guarantee that our adult dogs do not currently and have never had any seizures or neurological issues.

 Seller will ONLY guarantee dog/pup for the first 6 months of his/her life as outlined in the illness or unsuitability section located under the General Health Guarantee in this document if a specialized licensed veterinarian diagnoses him/her to have a neurological issue that can be proven and directly correlated to be congenital, hereditary or genetic by means of bloodwork, radiology or other test.

**Seller does reserve the right to request additional testing and/or acquire a second veterinary opinion of puppy’s illness or presumed unsuitability. Buyer agrees to have any additional testing or have pup examined by a second licensed veterinarian at sellers request and expense. All warranties/guarantees listed in this contract will be voided, and Seller will no longer be under any legal or financial obligation arising from warranties and guarantees specified in this contract if buyer refuses to acquire a second opinion at sellers requests.


**We do request that families inform us if their pup acquires any issue so that the issue and the pup’s lineages can be further investigated**


Other Terms and Conditions

• Seller guarantees the pup described above to be of PET QUALITY. Seller guarantees that the pup is of sound and healthy parentage, has no physical abnormalities upon release to buyer and is not in danger to be affected of any testable genetic diseases known to the breed. Seller does not guarantee puppy as to size, weight, hair coat, ear stance, trainability, breedabilty or disposition of puppy.
• Buyer is aware upon purchasing the puppy above, they are assuming full responsibility for animal both physically and monetarily. Seller relinquishes full responsibility of said puppy upon releasing puppy to buyer.
• Buyer agrees to not have puppy spayed/neutered before the age of 9 months (males) or first heat cycle (females) unless medically necessary.
• A written letter from a licensed veterinary must be presented to Seller before procedure is initiated if puppy is less than 9 months of age.
• If buyer fails to inform seller of medical emergency or has puppy altered before the age of 9 months of age. All warranties and guarantees listed in this contract will be null and void, releasing the seller of any legal or financial obligation arising from warranties and guarantees specified in this contract.
• Buyer is aware that if puppy/dog is ever bred without Sellers notification and permission, all warranties and guarantees listed in this contract will be null and void, releasing the Seller of any legal or financial obligation arising from warranties and guarantees specified in this contract.
• Buyer is aware that the puppy/dog is NEVER to be rehomed without notifying Seller of new owners contact information. Name, address, and phone number.
• Buyer is aware that he/she may return the above puppy/dog at any time to seller if he/she can no longer keep the puppy/dog.
• Buyer is aware that he/she may reach out to seller for re-homing assistance if he/she can no longer keep the above puppy/dog for any reason.
• Buyer is aware that the puppy above is to NEVER be relinquished to a rescue or animal shelter, hoarder or breeding facility for any reason.
• Buyer agrees to maintain appropriate veterinarian care including suitable parasite control, core vaccinations and deworming of the puppy above and to seek medical attention for the animal whenever it is needed for the duration of its life.

Buyer and Seller have agreed to ALL terms and conditions as stated above. This is a legal and binding contract between Buyer and Seller signed below and executed in the United States, State of Arkansas and County of Ashley. Any legal actions must be done in Ashley County, State of Arkansas and buyer agrees to pay both parties legal fees if any legal action should occur by either party.

____________________________________ _____________________
Signature of Seller Date









Bill of Sale-Sales Contract-2025