The Miniature Pinscher

Black/Tan AKC Miniature Pinscher

KING OF TOYS!!  That pretty much sums the bred up in a nutshell!!  The Miniature Pinscher, also referred to as the Zwergpinscher and Min Pin , is a small, intelligent and high energy dog that is known for their fearlessness, self-possession, fun-loving nature and their regal appearance.  They are a structurally a well balanced, sturdy, compact, short-coupled, smooth-coated dog.  The Miniature Pinscher’s distinguishing characteristic is its high-stepping “hackney” gait, reminiscent of a hackney horse at the trot.

Stag Red AKC Miniature Pinscher

Where Do They Come From?

The Miniature Pinscher’s exact point of origin remains unknown as their is very little known documentation of their evolution but breed historians accept the idea that the breed originated in Germany from the ancient German Pinscher family as an efficient barnyard ratter.  They are NOT a miniature version of the Doberman Pinscher.  In fact, the Miniature Pinscher is a older breed and are a breed unto themselves.  

What Is Their Character Like?

A well bred and properly socialized Miniature Pinscher is something you will likely never forget meeting.  They are playful little dogs with a high affection and loyalty for their family.  They are fearless, animated, intensely curious and always full of vim and vigor.  They were originally bred to be ratters so watch out!  They will chase small animals. They can get along with children, small animals and other dogs if well socialized from a young age.  Miniature Pinschers are high energy but they can be really aloof, huge snugglers and love being under blankets.  

FCI, AKC Black and Tan Miniature Pinscher “Zwergpinscher”

How Hard Are They To Care For?

Grooming. The Miniature Pinscher is a short haired, single coated breed that requires minimal grooming.  A good brushing every few days and bathing as needed is all that’s required to ensure their coat stays clean and shiny.  Frequent bathing is discouraged as their skin is naturally oily and over bathing can dry out the skin and coat.  They do require protection in harsh weather conditions.  Toenails need to be trimmed regularly. 

Health and Exercise. The Miniature Pinscher is a relatively healthy and hearty breed.  They require basic veterinary care which includes flea/tick/heartworm preventative, regular deworming, an annual health exam and vaccinations.    They do require daily exercise and mental stimulation to prevent boredom and destruction. A bored Miniature Pinscher is a destructive Miniature Pinscher!

Feeding. The Miniature Pinscher doesn’t eat a lot but whatever they do eat needs to be of high quality.  Usually a healthy adult Min Pin only requires 1/4 to 1/3 oz of dry kibble per pound of body weight daily.  It can be given in one meal or evenly distributed in 2-3 meals throughout the day.  Nutritional supplements are usually not needed for the basic household pet. 

**Over the years of owning the Miniature Pinscher, we have found that some can be sensitive to the food ingredients corn and chicken.  We recommend that families consider their choice of feed carefully and choose a brand that has lamb, beef or fish as their main source of protein (first ingredient) and to avoid brands that contain corn in their first three ingredients.

What Else Do I Need To Know About The Breed?

Trainability.   Whether its a young pup or an adult, the Miniature Pinscher can be one of the hardest breeds of dogs to train.  They are highly intelligent, stubborn and very determined to get their way.  They have been known to train their owners!!

Training the Min Pin really isn’t that difficult but you must have a routine schedule and be consistent with it.  Min Pins love to please and they love to play games.  Most all Min Pins will catch on to any “training” faster when it is seen as a game to them instead of boring work :).  Patience, time, consistency and determination on your part will result in a well trained Min Pin but IF you don’t have the time, patience or are not determined to stick with a strict schedule then I would highly advise you to find another breed to acquire.

**Acquiring a pup from a breeder that lays a foundation for their pups to build on (early socialization skills, problem solving skills, clean potty habits, crate exposure, etc.), greatly decreases the amount of work and effort needed to fully train a young pup.

Health.  Miniature Pinschers from ethical and responsible breeders are generally healthy dogs BUT like all breeds, the Miniature Pinscher does have a few potential health concerns that owners need to be aware of.  The breed is prone to patellar luxation, Legg-Calve-Perthes, cataracts, progressive retinal atrophy, hypothyroidism, demodectic mange, degenerative myelopathy, diabetes, heart defects, allergies, digestive issues and sensitive skin.  Many of these issues can easily be avoided with appropriate veterinary care, appropriate living environment, appropriate diet and through responsible breeding. 

**Be very diligent of who you acquire a new pup from!  A pup from a reputable and responsible breeder that genetic  and health test their adult dogs is less likely to have potential health issues in the long run. 

Appearance.  The Miniature Pinscher is a small, well balanced, sturdy and compact dog with a smooth, short and lustrous coat.  They are distinguished by the classic Hackney-Like gait with a lively and animated attitude.  The Min Pins are ideally between 10 and 12.5 inches tall, measured from the floor to the top of the shoulder blade.  The breed is recognized by many different registries worldwide so size and shape does vary depending on where a dogs lineage comes from. 

**Genetics DO NOT read breed standards or instruction manuals.   Some Min Pins are short, some are tall, some are wide and some are slim.   A 15 inch Min Pin can be just as purebred as a 10 inch AKC show quality Min Pin. 

Colors.  The Miniature Pinscher comes in a variety of coat colors including red, stag red, blue stag red, chocolate stag red, fawn (Isabella) stag red, black/tan (or rust), chocolate (brown)/tan (or rust), blue/tan (or rust), fawn (Isabella) /tan (or rust), Blue Fawn and Tan.  Though the only colors allowed in the AKC show ring is red, Stag red, black/tan (or rust) or chocolate/tan(or rust).

**The Miniature Pinscher is recognized by many different registries but IMO, the AKC can be trusted the most here in the US as far as purity of the breed.

For more information about the Miniature Pinscher breed, please visit the American Kennel Club (AKC) website at:

Chocolate and Tan AKC Miniature Pinscher